08033325273. 08024330097, Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 18:00info@icen.org.ng




The following are the Membership Grades of the Institute.   



The applicant should be at least 16 years of age, an undergraduate of Polytechnic or University in any discipline. Student members are not entitled to append designatory letters after their names.    

Fee: N35,000 



Applicants should be at least 22 years of age, a graduate of any field and must have at least 3 years management experience. Such a member can use the designatory letters : “AMICEN” after his/her name.

Fee: N45,000



Applicants should be at least 25 years of age with at least 5 years of industrial or management experience. An applicant with a HND, BA, BSC, PGD or its equivalent from a recognized Polytechnic or University is eligble for Membership and can append the designatory letters: “MICEN” after his/her name.

Fee: N55,000


Download Membership Form



Membership of this grade is based strictly on merit as may be adjudged by the National Executive Council of the Institute. To qualify for this grade, such members must be financially committed to the ideals of the Institute. Such members can append the designatory letters: “FICEN” after their names. Fellows constitute the highest grade of Membership of the Institute. They constitute the Board of Fellows.    

Fee: N70,000

Download Membership Form



The current membership strength of the institute is about 55,000. It is also on record that the Institute has trained many seasoned business leaders from all sectors of our National Economy in such vital fields as Management, Production, Finance and Manpower Development.


Individual and Corporate Membership are accepted by the Institute. The individual applicant registering for membership must obtain an application form issued by the Institute properly filed and submitted to the Institute with the appropriate membership fee. Confirmed Professional Members shall in addition pay annual subscriptions as and when due according to grades of membership. Upon election, members are entitled to purchase the institute’s ties, car-stickers, bannerettes, printed vests, towels, key-holders etc. at token fees. 



This includes the right to append the appropriate designatory letters after their names thus:

Fellow                                                –           FICEN

Member                                            –          MICEN

Associate Member                         –         AMICEN

  • Opportunity to attend ICEN National and International trade missions.
  • Opportunity to attend ICEN regional and International seminars and conferences.
  • Opportunity to receive ICEN Journal “The Executive Digest” at a taken fee.
  • Opportunity to have Members articles on any related field published in the Institute’s journal for the benefit of other Members.



This is based on special merit and recognition as may be adjudged by National Executive Council of the Institute. They are entitled to append the designatory letters “Hon. FICEN” after their names.